Beyond Exotics: Hidden Gems In Destiny 2’s Legendary Gear Pool

Destiny 2 is one of the most popular looter shooter games around, and it’s no surprise that many players are looking for ways to find the best gear. While exotic weapons and armor pieces are coveted by all, there can be a lot of overlooked items in the legendary pool that may prove even more powerful. In this article we’ll explore some hidden gems in Destiny 2’s legendary gear pool that you might not have known about before.

If you’re an avid Guardian seeking out new equipment on your mission to save humanity from certain destruction, then look no further than these top-tier picks! From helmets with increased damage resistance to heavy machine guns with huge ammo reserves, I’m sure you’ll find something here that piques your interest. With careful consideration and loads of experimentation, you could quite possibly come across a few surprises along the way – ones which will surely give you an edge during those hard-fought battles against The Darkness.

So arm yourself with knowledge, load up your inventory slots and get ready to uncover some true treasures within Destiny 2’s legendary gear pool! We promise it will be worth every moment spent scouring its depths. Read on to learn more about what awaits you beyond exotics…

Overview Of Legendary Gear

When it comes to playing Destiny 2, legendary gear is the stuff of legends. It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack – you can spend hours looking and not find anything worth keeping. But if you manage to stumble upon one of these rare gems, the rewards are truly remarkable. Legendary items offer more than just an upgrade over their exotic counterparts; they bring with them unique abilities that make them invaluable assets on any Guardian’s journey. Whether it be weapons or armor, every piece of legendary equipment has its own powerful core elements that set it apart from other gear. Let us now explore those core elements of legendary items and how they contribute to your success as a Guardian.

Core Elements Of Legendary Items

When it comes to legendary gear in Destiny 2, there are a few core elements that make them special. Legendary cores are the most important of these elements; they provide players with additional power and upgrade tactics to help boost their performance in battles. Crafting materials also play an important role as they allow players to customize their gear for specific strategies while still ensuring that the player has access to unique stats and benefits.

These two components, when combined, can result in some truly powerful combinations which can take your gameplay experience to the next level. With the right combination of legendary cores and crafting materials, you’ll have access to incredible power and upgrades that will give you an edge over even the toughest opponents. Thinking outside of the box when it comes to creating your perfect loadout is key for maximizing your potential within Destiny 2’s legendary gear pool – so don’t be afraid to explore all of the hidden gems waiting inside! Transitioning into the subsequent section about ‘crafting materials and their effects’, it’s clear that understanding how each type of material works together is essential for unlocking maximum performance gains from your chosen weapons and armor sets.

Crafting Materials And Their Effects

As we venture further into the depths of Destiny 2’s legendary gear pool, a treasure trove of hidden gems is revealed. Among these are crafting materials and their effects on weapons and armor. Weapon-parts, weapon-mods, exotic-parts, upgrade points, and more all offer unique opportunities to customize your loadouts in ways that can only be achieved through careful selection of items and resources.

These components have varying levels of impact on playstyle as well as your overall experience in game – from minor tweaks to major overhauls. Crafting materials such as upgrade points allow you to turn an ordinary Legendary item into something truly special by adding various buffs or debuffs depending on how you use them; they also offer additional perks like increased damage output for certain weapons or improved accuracy when using specific weapons mods. Similarly, exotic parts provide powerful bonuses that increase stats and even add new abilities to an existing piece of equipment. With enough patience and determination you could potentially construct a one-of-a-kind legendary setup with unparalleled power!

It’s clear that the possibilities available via crafting materials are vast and varied – but it doesn’t stop there. Taking advantage of these tools opens up another layer of depth which can make any build feel more personalised than ever before. And while some may opt for the convenience offered by exotics, those who bravely explore this less travelled path will likely find themselves rewarded greatly in terms of both performance and satisfaction. Obtaining legendary gear has never been easier or more fulfilling!

Obtaining Legendary Gear

Obtaining Legendary Gear in Destiny 2 can be quite a daunting task. But, with the right knowledge and strategies, it doesn’t have to be. There are several sources of legendary gear that you can use to get your hands on some rare pieces of loot.

The first source of legendary gear is from drops. Legendary drop chances are low but they do exist across all activities in the game. You’ll need to grind hard for these as farming for them can take time – but if you’re lucky enough, you could get some really great items! Additionally, there are certain farming strategies that can increase your chances of getting a legendary item such as running specific missions or Strikes multiple times in order to farm engrams and other rewards.

These strategies will help you out when trying to obtain specific legendary items too – so don’t forget about those either! With dedication and patience, obtaining the best weapons and armor Destiny 2 has to offer isn’t impossible. All it takes is understanding where the best sources lie and having an effective plan for grinding them out. Onward then – let’s look at how we can make this process even easier by discussing strategies for obtaining specific gear next.

Strategies For Obtaining Specific Gear

Now that you have a better understanding of the different sources and methods to acquire legendary gear in Destiny 2, let’s look at how we can take it one step further. If you’re looking for specific pieces of gear to craft certain builds or complete collections, there are several strategies that may prove useful.

Gear farming is an effective way to get your hands on some powerful items with relatively little effort. By playing missions over and over again, you increase your chances of getting drops from enemies as well as earning more rewards from completing objectives. Additionally, if you seek out public events like Escalation Protocols or Blind Well activities, these locations often provide high-level loot with greater frequency than other areas in the game.

For those who want to go beyond simply acquiring legendaries through random drops, there are also vendors who will offer certain items in exchange for currency or reputation earned within their respective factions. Gaining access to special stores such as Xur or Rahool requires players to reach higher levels of progression within the game, but they can be worth the effort when searching for rarer weapons and armor sets. With any luck, these approaches should help players find what they need to build their perfect character loadout!

Upgrading Legendary Items

Have you ever wanted to upgrade your legendary gear and make it even more powerful? With the right know-how, anyone can take their legendary items in Destiny 2 to the next level. Here are three ways to get started:

  1. Upgrade Legendary Items – You can use item crafting materials such as glimmer, planetary materials, or rare currency like Bright Dust to increase a legendary item’s power level beyond its base stats. This will also unlock any exotic effects that may be present on the item.
  2. Enhance Legendary Effects – By spending shards of matter from Xur or other vendors, players can enhance certain legendary effects across multiple pieces of gear for an extra boost in performance.
  3. Craft New Gear – Players have access to numerous recipes for creating new legendary items at various locations throughout Destiny 2’s universe. These recipes require special ingredients such as planetary resources and Etheric Light which must be collected before they can craft the desired piece of equipment.

By taking advantage of these methods, players can create powerful combinations of weapons and armor that will give them an edge over opponents and help them survive longer in battle scenarios. Additionally, all this upgrading has the potential to greatly improve player performance in both PvE and PvP activities alike!

Impact On Player Performance

Moving on from upgrading Legendary items, it’s time to explore the hidden gems in Destiny 2’s legendary gear pool. Although many of these pieces of equipment may not have as high a power boost or stat boosts as some Exotics, they can still significantly improve your player performance and gameplay impact. With careful gear optimization, these lesser-known pieces of Legendary equipment can make you into an unstoppable force.

Take for example the Coldheart Trace Rifle – one such piece of Legendary gear that is often overlooked by players. While its damage output alone is impressive enough, when paired with its bonus effects like increased range and better accuracy it makes for an incredibly powerful weapon capable of taking down even the toughest foes with ease. It also pairs very well with other weapons in your loadout allowing for tremendous synergy between them all which further increases their effectiveness in battle. No matter how you look at it, Coldheart offers plenty of power boosts making it a great choice if you’re looking to maximize your potential during battles.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Way To Acquire Legendary Gear?

Ah, legendary gear acquisition – a topic that has kept Senior Video Game Journalists up at night for years. The debate rages on: what is the best way to obtain Legendary Gear? After all, we are talking about some of the most sought after items in Destiny 2! Some may claim it’s as simple as completing certain activities or missions; others will tell you it requires hours and hours of grinding and farming. But which approach really offers gamers their best chance at acquiring those elusive Legendary Items?

Well, I’m here to let you know there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. In fact, depending on your play style and the type of Legendary Gear you’re looking for, different strategies can be employed when trying to get your hands on these precious commodities. For instance, if you want to acquire Exotic gear quickly then investing time into Raids or Strikes might be your best bet. On the other hand, if you’re chasing specific weapons or armor pieces then playing Crucible matches could pay off big dividends. Furthermore, taking part in daily challenges such as Nightfalls and Gambit matches offer great rewards too!

Ultimately, there is no definitive method for obtaining Legendary Gear but with a little experimentation you’ll soon find out which technique works best for you. So don’t despair – just keep plugging away until you find something that suits your gaming needs!

Is There Any Way To Increase The Chances Of Obtaining Legendary Gear?

Are you looking to upgrade your chances of obtaining legendary gear in Destiny 2? With so many pieces of legendary gear available, it can be difficult to know the best way to acquire them. Is there any way to increase the odds of getting legendary drops?

When it comes to legendary farming and acquisition, as with most games, grinding is key. You’ll need to commit time and effort into playing activities that have a chance at dropping legendary loot like raids or public events. It’s also worth noting that some activities have higher drop rates than others – for instance, nightfalls tend to have better rewards than strikes or patrols when it comes to obtaining rare items. That being said, even if you’re doing these activities frequently, luck still plays an important role in acquiring legendaries.

The good news is that there are several ways players can increase their chances of earning high-end gear without relying solely on random reward drops. For example, by completing bounties from certain NPCs they will get access to powerful weapons and armor pieces tailored specifically for their class. Additionally, regular visits to Xur could provide a nice boost in terms of exotic engrams which may possibly contain a piece of legendary equipment. Ultimately though, no matter what methods you use for gaining legendary gear in Destiny 2, patience and dedication are essential components of the process!

What Is The Most Efficient Way To Upgrade Legendary Items?

Upgrading legendary items in Destiny 2 can be a daunting task, but with the right strategy you can be well on your way to getting the best gear. Power grinding and farming rare engrams may feel like an insurmountable challenge, however there are plenty of efficient ways to upgrade legendary items that will have you equipped for battle faster than ever before! Here’s how:

  1. Legendary Farming: Take advantage of weekly reset activities such as strikes and crucible matches for guaranteed drops of legendaries. Daily bounties also offer powerful rewards that increase your power level and grant access to more difficult content.
  2. Upgrade Materials: Collect enhancement cores from completing certain PvE or PvP activities, or dismantle other legendary weapons/armor pieces for glimmer, shards, and upgrade materials.
  3. Rare Engrams: Earn Bright Dust by completing daily and weekly challenges which can be exchanged for rare engrams at Tess Everis’s shop located in The Tower or The Farm social spaces.
  4. Power Grinding: Reach higher levels fast with Prime Engram drops – each one gives players an extra boost when it comes to leveling up their character quickly and efficiently.

To summarize, legendary item upgrades don’t need to be complicated! With these simple steps you can have yourself kitted out with the finest loot around in no time at all – so get out there Guardians and start upgrading!

Is There Any Benefit To Crafting Materials In Destiny 2?

Crafting materials play an important role in Destiny 2, allowing players to upgrade rare items and obtain powerful loot drops. But is there any benefit to crafting materials? Let’s take a closer look at how they can be used and their potential rewards.

First off, it’s worth noting that crafting materials are not simply found lying around the world of Destiny 2 – you have to search out specific vendors or complete certain missions to access them. Once acquired, they can then either be exchanged for upgrades or used as part of item-specific recipes.

For instance, if you want to upgrade your legendary gear with bonus stats or perks, crafting materials may provide some useful bonuses – particularly when combined with other resources like Glimmer currency or enhancement cores. Similarly, crafting materials will also come in handy when attempting to unlock more exotic weapons by completing special bounties from characters like Banshee-44.

So what kind of rewards do you get from using these valuable resources? Here are five benefits:

  • Access to brand new pieces of equipment through custom weapon recipes
  • The ability to infuse existing gear with additional power level boosts
  • Availability of unique mods such as elemental damage enhancements
  • Increased chances of obtaining high-level loot drops during public events
  • Potential discounts on purchases from vendors located across the solar system

Overall, those who invest time into gathering up enough crafting materials will find themselves well rewarded for their efforts – whether it’s gaining access to exclusive armors and weapons, upgrading existing items or increasing their chances of finding even better loot elsewhere in the game.

Are There Any Hidden Legendary Gear That Are More Powerful Than Exotics?

Are there any hidden legendary gear that are more powerful than exotics? Absolutely! In Destiny 2, there is a trove of rare and powerful legendary gear that can be used to upgrade both weapons and armor. Even though exotic items may have unique abilities or traits, they don’t always offer the most power when it comes to upgrades. That’s why many players turn to these hidden gems in order to get an edge over their opponents.

For example, some of the best legendary weapon upgrades come from raid rewards like The Last Word hand cannon and the Redrix Broadsword sword. Both of these weapons provide substantial damage boosts as well as perks tailored specifically for PvP combat – making them incredibly sought after by PvE and PvP players alike. Similarly, if you’re looking for a great set of Legendary Armor pieces, look no further than Iron Banner sets such as Valor Triumphant or Reverie Dawn armor which offer impressive bonuses such as increased resilience and recovery stats.

These hidden legendaries also make excellent investments due to their high resale values on the market – so even if you decide not to use them yourself, you’ll still get something out of it in the end! Plus, with new content updates coming all the time, who knows what other powerful legendary gear could potentially join this list in future seasons? It pays off to keep your eyes peeled for those special items.


At the end of the day, Legendary Gear is an essential part of every Guardian’s arsenal in Destiny 2. Obtaining and upgrading them can be a difficult task, but with enough effort and dedication it can become much easier. It might take some time to get accustomed to all the ins-and-outs of obtaining and using this special gear, but once you do you’ll never go back.

Additionally, there are hidden gems within the Legendary Gear pool that even experienced Guardians may not know about. These powerful pieces of equipment have no Exotic counterpart and offer unparalleled power when used correctly. Exploring these items further will give players an extra edge over their opponents in both PvP and PvE content.

In conclusion, seeking out Legendary Gear is absolutely vital for any Guardian wanting to stay ahead in Destiny 2. Taking advantage of its unique benefits helps ensure your success on your journey through the stars, while uncovering hidden relics along the way can make sure you’re always one step ahead of everyone else.

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